J e w e l r yt e l l ss t o r i e s

R e d u c t i o ni nJ e w e l e r y



Geometric Variations

They determine the shapes of ancient temples, lend form to the architecture of modern skyscrapers and continually reveal new and unexpected factes. What are they ? Elementary forms like the rectangle and the circle. In his brooches and pins, jewelry designer Christoph Contius from Germany artfully show as how inexhaustible these purely geometrical forms can be as they perpetually inspire new variations effects.

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Contius pieces of jewelry have been reduced to unambiguous lines and volumes, simplified to what their designer describes as „objevtives basic structure“ Whether Contius combines individual stainless steel wants to create a three-dimensional grid or Raises a series of pyramidal triangles atop a rectangular plane, in every case Contius is interested In exploring the endlessly many variations that can be found in simple, geometric forms. The special attraction which these pieces exert on their beholders results from their peculiar ambivalence.

Thanks to their clear formal idiom, the beholder immediately comprehends the shape Of each brooches, yet at the same time, that shape is also a source of confusion. Contius sometimes combines geometrical details in unfamiliar ways ; sometimes he offers The beholder only the silhouette of a form, thus alluding to the entire body or plane in ways which one would be more likely expected in the work of a graphic artist. Most recently, Contius has ventured still further along his path of exploring the possibilities latent in geometric forms. And although he creates entirely purist pieces of jewelry which have Been reduced to a single basic form or a single line, one never has the impression that these ornaments are geometrically sterile.

Contius express intension is to create wearable jewelry, and his notions of wearability Is not limited to the shape and dimensions of a pieces of jewelry, but also includes its emotiional expressives power. He enhances the emotional character of his creations by scratching their surfaces. These scratches humanize the gold. Chrome ans stainless steel : the materials lose their noble, aloof aura and reveals the traces of an artisan´s Hans. Althought the forms of the brooches ans pins are kept sleek ans severe, their sractched surfaces Allow the materials to reveal their true vulnerability.


Museum: Designyard • Tielrode – Gallery Sofie Lachaert • Edinburgh – The Scottish Gallery • Pforzheim – Schmuckmuseum • Tokio – Isetan Art Museum • Cologne – Kunstverein • Cappenberg – Schloss Cappenberg • Hanau – Goldschmiedehaus • Barcelona – Joieria Europea Contemporania • Schwäbisch Gmünd – Stadtmuseum • Düsseldorf – Landesmuseum NRW, Stadtmuseum • Hamburg – Museum für Kunsthandwerk • Schleswig – Landesmuseum • Zons – Museum Zons • Santa Monica – Gallery of functionality Art • Frankfurt am Main – Museum für Kunsthandwerk • Leipzig – Grassimuseum • Hannover – Kestnermuseum • Aachen – Suermondt-Ludwig Museum • Feltre – Palazzo Guarnieri Feltre

Gallery: Osaka – Nabio Gallery • Köln – Gallery Mattar • Zürich – Gallery Schmuckform • Lausanne – Gallery NO • Paris – Gallery Helene Poree • Bern – Gallery Michele Zeller • München – Gallery Spektrum • Berlin – Gallery Villa Grisebach, Gallery Treykorn • Barcelona – Escola massana, Gallery Magari • Den Haag – Gallery Ademloos • Padova- Gallery Marcolongo • Dublin – Gallery Designyard • Sylt – Atelier Dünne


Tokio – International Jewelery Art Exhibition • Cologne – Kunstverein • Stuttgart – GZ Internationales Journal für Schmuck • Leinfelden – Gold und Silber Konradin Verlag • Düsseldorf – Manu Factum • Ulm – Art Aurea Magazin • Barcelona – Europea Joieria Contemporania • Hamburg – Art/Design by Benson & Hedges • Frankfurt – Museum für Kunsthandwerk • Aachen – Suermond-Ludwig Museum • München – Freundin Fashion Magazin • Hamburg – MAX Lifestylemagazin • Ulm – Schmuckmagazin • Stuttgart – Solitaire • Solingen – Tageblatt • Solingen – Morgenpost


Susanna Dünne
Westerweg 14
25999 Kampen

Stephanie Henle
Kaiserstraße 19,
6380 St. Johann in Tirol